Managing data uploaded to Wizart PIM

Managing data uploaded to Wizart PIM


Make the chosen collections/brands/articles visible in your Wiazrt Home Visualizer

Step 1

Log in to your PIM account using the credentials provided in your welcoming email.

Step 2

Go to the ‘My products’ tab.

Step 3

Mark the collection/brand/article you want to make visible by checking the ‘Show in app’ box on the right to each collection/brand/article.



Delete collections/brands/articles from you PIM account.

Step 1

Log in to your PIM account using the credentials provided in your welcoming email.

Step 2

Go to the ‘My products’ tab.

Step 3

Mark the collection/brand/article you want to delete from your PIM account by checking the box on the left of the to the needed collection/brand/article, and click on the ‘Delete’ button in the right corner of the page.


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