Updating your products in the PIM

Updating your products in the PIM

You can update some attributes of your products in the PIM in bulk without re-importing them. Please check our instructions to see how.

However, please note that using this option the following attributes cannot be updated:

  • Brand_name

  • Collection_name

  • Product_image

  • Unique_sku_id

Step 1. Please go to your PIM account and check the boxes next to the brand(s)/collection(s) you'd like to update and click on the "Export' button:


Step 2. Unzip the archive with the exported .csv's and make the necessary changes to the attributes.

Step 3. Once you're done with editing the file, save the updated file with a .csv extension.


Step 4. Upload the updated .csv to the PIM like in the screenshot below, depending on the product type (you can see which product type you're updating in the exported .csv file name: "Data_export_csv_6453c365f1082_wall_mural_2023" –> Please choose the "Wall Murals" product type).


Please reach out to our support team at support@wizart.ai if you need our assistance with the updating.

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