Configure your visualizer

Configure your visualizer

You can now modify your visualizer's basic settings through your PIM Account without having to send us a request and wait for our response. Just follow these easy steps:

  1. Open your PIM Account.

  2. Click on "Configuration" in the upper panel.

  3. Choose the section you want to change from the options on the right panel.

  4. Save the changes you made to the settings.

Which configuration options are available?

Section “General”

  1. Add logo of your company
    This logo will be visible on the interiors page of the Visualizer on desktop devices and in the menu on all platforms.

Section “Web”

App Branding

  1. App font
    If the font used in your Visualizer is different from the font used on your website, we recommend changing it in the Visualizer to create a cohesive and seamless interface that feels like an integral part of your website.

    The following fonts are currently available:
    - Helvetica
    - Montserrat
    - Roboto
    - Lato

    If you need a different font to be added, please send us a request through the Wizart Help Center.

  2. Main color
    The main color is used on all major interface elements of the Visualizer. When specifying the color of your brand, please ensure that it is not too light, as this can affect users' perception. Choose a color that represents your brand well and works effectively across the Visualizer's interface.

  3. Clickable logo
    Having a clickable logo ensures that your customers have an additional way to return to your website. We recommend adding a link to your homepage so that customers can easily navigate back to your main website from the Visualizer.


Catalog settings


  1. Catalog structure
    Make sure to organize your catalogue structure to mirror the structure of your website.

    To enhance user engagement and streamline the browsing experience for your customers, we suggest choosing only the "Products" level in your catalogue structure. This allows users to easily navigate through your products without additional steps.

    If you opt to use the "Product Type" level, make sure that all your products have been imported to PIM with the correct product types. If you require assistance, feel free to reach out to us at support@wizart.ai.

  2. Catalog sorting
    Currently, only collections can be sorted in the catalog. You can replace the default A-Z sorting with the option to display the newest collections first.

    Please note that this feature became available only last year, and therefore, your previously added collections may not have a timestamp. If you would like to add dates to your collections and ensure that sorting works perfectly for you, please don't hesitate to contact us through the Wizart Help Center.

  3. Unit of measure
    By default, the Visualizer uses meters as the unit of measure. If you prefer to use feet or inches, you can select these options to ensure that sizes in the Visualizer are displayed correctly.

Please note, that there are two extra features are available that can be added to your App by Wizart Admin:

Smart search by image
Adding the search by photo feature to your visualizer is a great way to enhance the user experience and increase engagement. This feature uses advanced technology to analyze uploaded images and match them to similar products in your catalog.
However, it is important to have a sizable catalog of products for the search to be effective. We recommend having at least 800 products in your catalog to ensure accurate and relevant search results.


Filtering is a powerful tool for customers to navigate through a large catalogue. It helps them to quickly narrow down their search results based on their specific needs and preferences.
Currently Visualzier supports the following filters:

  • Product type

  • Color

  • Pattern

  • Style

  • Room

However, it's important to ensure that your products have been properly updated with relevant information for the filter to work effectively. Make sure that each product has been updated correctly and that all relevant attributes, such as color and pattern, have been assigned to the product. This will ensure that customers can easily find the products they're looking for using the filter feature.

You can request to activate both of these features by contacting the Wizart Admin through the Wizart Help Center.


  1. Price displaying
    To display prices in your visualizer, activate the price displaying feature.
    This feature can be turned on even if you don't have e-commerce on your website. It allows you to keep your customers informed about prices without enabling shopping cart functionality

  2. Shopping cart
    The shopping cart functionality in the Visualizer can be enabled to allow users to make purchases directly through the app. After turning on the shopping cart function, it is necessary to select at least one checkout method.

    In addition, you have the option to provide your own text for the checkout button. By default, the button displays the text "Proceed to checkout," which will be applied in all available languages. However, if you require custom translations in different languages, please refer to the following instruction: Custom translation

  3. Website checkout
    By using this checkout option, you can link the shopping carts on your website and in the Visualizer. However, please keep in mind that you must choose a synchronization method and configure certain settings during the integration process.

    1. Enable one-way synchronization
      If you would like to implement one-way synchronization with your website's shopping cart, please provide the link to your shopping cart and ensure that the necessary changes have been made during integration in accordance with the following instruction: https://wizart.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WDP/pages/2682913853/Cart+integration+and+favorites+integration#One-way-shopping-cart-sync .
      Note that one-way sync refers to synchronization that occurs only from the Visualizer to the website. If a user adds products to their shopping cart in the Visualizer and clicks on the "Proceed to checkout" button, all products will be automatically transferred to the shopping cart on the website

    2. Enable two-way sync for shopping cart
      If you want to offer your customers a seamless shopping experience, you can choose the option of two-way shopping cart synchronization. This means that shopping cart content will be synchronized in both directions: from the Visualizer to the website and from the website to the Visualizer. This ensures that products added to the shopping cart from either side will be automatically added to the shopping cart on the other side. Follow this instruction https://wizart.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WDP/pages/2682913853/Cart+integration+and+favorites+integration#Two-way-shopping-cart-sync to implement two-way sync.

  4. WhatsApp checkout
    The activation of WhatsApp checkout allows customers to send the contents of their shopping cart directly to your designated WhatsApp number from the visualizer. You have the option to specify the WhatsApp phone number and introductory message text. The message will automatically include the names and SKUs of all products in the customer's shopping cart. For additional information about WhatsApp checkout, please click on the provided https://wizart.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WDP/pages/2682913853/Cart+integration+and+favorites+integration#Sending-shopping-cart-content-via-WhatsApp .

  1. Menu links
    In the visualizer, you can add up to three custom menu links.
    These links can be used to provide information to your customers, such as delivery options, payment methods, or information about your company, etc.

  1. Disclaimer
    When enabled, a disclaimer or notification will appear to your users after they select the first product.
    This notification can be used to inform users of any nuances or limitations related to the product or visualization, helping to manage user expectations and avoid misunderstandings or disappointment. You may also use it to provide extra information about the order process or delivery options.