Installation Guide to integrate

Installation Guide to integrate

Installation Guide

First of all, you have to check your Magento 2 version. Just simply go to the backend of your store. At the bottom right corner of the dashboard and each backend page, you can see the current version of your Magento 2 store.

With an archive

Download an archive for your version:

Tested on: Magento: 2.2.9, php = 7.0

Tested on : module: 2.2.3 Magento: 2.2.9 , Magento: 2.2.11, php >= 7.1 < 8.0

Latest changes in GitHub https://github.com/wizart-tech/magento2-module/tree/v2.2

Tested on : Magento: 2.4.2 Magento: 2.4.4 php >= 7.1 php 8.0 php 8.1

Latest changes in GitHub https://github.com/wizart-tech/magento2-module/tree/v2.4

Module: v2.4.6

Step 1. Unpack the module ZIP file on your computer.

Step 2. Connect to your website source folder with FTP/SSH/SFTP/ client and upload all the files and folders from the extension package (from paragraph 1) to the corresponding root folder of your Magento installation:

Please use the “Merge” upload mode. Do not replace the whole folders, but merge
them. This way your FTP/SFTP client will only add new files. This mode is used by
default by most FTP/SFTP clients software. For macOS it’s recommended to use

Step 3.

Step 4. Connect to your server via SSH go to the Magento2 directory.

Step 5. Run the following commands:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento setup:di:compile php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy php bin/magento cache:flush

With Composer

This manual assumes that you have already installed and set up the Composer tool. If you haven't
installed the Composer yet, please check the instruction on How to install it.

Step 1. Log in to your server via a Command line.

Step 2. Set the directory where you would like to install the extension. Usually, for such purposes,
the Magento root folder is selected.

Step 3. Connect to the Wizart Github Repository:

composer config repositories.wizart vcs git@github.com:wizart-tech/magento2-module.git

Step 4. Setup the module:

composer require wizart/magento2-module:~2.2.0 #for Magento 2.2.x #or composer require wizart/magento2-module:~2.4.1 #for Magento 2.4.x

Step 5. Run following commands: