Shopify Plugin (2) (2)
Files required for integration:
sections/wizart-floating-button.liquid - floating button for homepage
sections/wizart-entry-point-button.liquid - entry point button for product pages
You need to replace the following elements in the file:
API Token, which can be found in your PIM account:
Here’s where you can enter the API Token:
If you are using an older version of the theme (for example, the "Supply" theme):
To enable the floating button on the homepage, go to the Theme Settings
Customization, and add a SectionWizart Floating Button
.To enable the entry point button on the product pages, add
{% section 'wizart-entry-point-button' %}
to the Templateproduct.liquid
.All additional button settings can be found at Theme Settings
If you are using an newest version of the theme (for example, the "Dawn" theme):
To enable the floating button on the homepage, go to the Theme Settings
Customization, and add a SectionWizart Floating Button
on your main page.To enable the entry-point button on the product page, navigate to Theme Settings > Customization > Select a product template (if applicable) or the default product template > Add the Entry Point Button section.
For the product page, it is also necessary to specify to which element the visualizer button should be added. This can be changed here:
Using this setting, you can choose the button's location. This can be done as follows:
On the product page, press F12 to open the Inspector window. Click on the cursor.
Hover over the desired element with your cursor and you will get the name of the element where you would like to place the button.
You can check all the parameters of the buttons in our Deployment Kit.