Upload new product

Upload new product

In this example, we want to import the product 'Wallpaper'.

import requests import json def get_product_type_code(): url_get_product_type = 'https://pim-client.wizart.ai/api/v2.1/import/product-types' headers = { 'Authorization': access_token } response = requests.get(url_get_product_type, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: get_product_types = requests.get(url_get_product_type, headers=headers) product_types = json.loads(get_product_types.content.decode('utf8').replace("'", '"')) for each_product_type in product_types['data']: if each_product_type['attributes']['name'] == 'Wallpaper': wallpaper_code = each_product_type['attributes']['code'] else: print(f"Error: {response.status_code} - {response.text}") return wallpaper_code product_code = get_product_type_code() def get_default_csv(): url_default_csv = f'https://pim-client.wizart.ai/api/v2.1/data-mappings/default/{product_code}' headers = { 'Authorization': access_token } response = requests.get(url_default_csv, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: get_default_csv = requests.get(url_default_csv, headers=headers) default_csv = get_default_csv.content.decode("utf-8") csv_columns = default_csv.split(',') else: print(f"Error: {response.status_code} - {response.text}") return csv_columns empty_csv_file = get_default_csv() def transform_custom_data_to_pim_csv(): #the process where you transform columns from your data storage into a format required for loading into a PIM system. #to merge columns, use the obtained empty_csv_file with all the relevant columns required for loading into the PIM system. return csv_data_for_import def import_to_pim(): url = f'https://pim-client.wizart.ai/api/v2.1/product-type/{product_code}/import' headers = { 'Authorization': access_token } files = { 'data': open('/path/to/file', 'rb'), 'archive': open('/path/to/file', 'rb') } response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, files=files) import_to_pim()
  1. The get_product_type_code() function retrieves the product type code for a specific product type (in this case, 'Wallpaper') from the PIM system. It sends a GET request to the /import/product-types endpoint, using the provided access_token for authorization. If the request is successful, the product types are obtained from the response, and the code for the 'Wallpaper' product type is extracted.

  2. The get_default_csv() function retrieves the default CSV mapping for the product type identified by product_code. It sends a GET request to the /data-mappings/default/{product_code} endpoint, again using the access_token. If the request is successful, the default CSV content is obtained from the response and split into individual columns.

  3. The transform_custom_data_to_pim_csv() function is a placeholder that represents the process of transforming columns from your data storage into the format required for loading into the PIM system. It mentions merging the columns using the empty_csv_file obtained from the get_default_csv() function. The actual implementation of this transformation process is not provided in the code.

  4. The import_to_pim() function performs the actual import of data to the PIM system. It sends a POST request to the /product-type/{product_code}/import endpoint, including the access_token in the headers and files to be uploaded (data and archive). The file paths should be updated accordingly.

  5. The import_to_pim() function is called at the end to initiate the data import process to the PIM system.