

App Analytic


Date Range Selection: This feature allows to select any desired time period by specifying a range of dates.

Visualizer Performance Summary


Shows the total number of unique users (Variable Value)

Shows the total number of app launches (Variable Value)

Shows the number of times, when users apply finishing materials on the surface. Apply_event is triggered when any material is applied to the surface. It does not matter if the overlay was made after switching from the product card in the online store or after selecting the material in the already open catalogue in the visualizer (Variable Value)

Shows the average number of product applications to the surface by a user - how many applications does one unique user do (on average) (Variable Value)

Entry Points from your website

Shows the number of times  when users went to the visualizer from the product card on the website (Variable Value)

Shows the number of times when users went to the visualizer from other entry points (banner, floating button, button in menu) on the website (Variable Value)

Interior selection

Shows the number of times when the user either uploaded their own photo or picked a photo from the previously uploaded into My Photos (Variable Value)

Shows the number of times, when a user selected predefined interiors (already in the visualizer, not own photos). Predefined interiors are uploaded by the Wizart team to the gallery sections (Living Room, Bedroom, Kitchen, and so on) (Variable Value)


Shows the number of times when the user has shared the visualization result on a social network (the user can download the result (an interior with a particular design applied to the walls and share this image) (Variable Value)

Shows the number of times when the user has downloaded the visualization result (Variable Value)

Shopping cart and product links

Shows the number of times when users clicked on the “shopping cart button” = The number of times a product was added to the shopping cart (Variable Value)

Shows the number of times a product was removed from the shopping cart (Variable Value)

Shows the number of times the user has proceeded to checkout (Variable Value)

Shows how many times the product page has been accessed via the link (Variable Value)

PIM analytics

PIM summaries

Shows you how many brands have been loaded into the system. (Doesn't matter if brands are visible or not) (Variable Value)

Shows you how many collections have been loaded into the system. (Doesn't matter if collections are visible or not) (Variable Value)

Shows you how many products have been loaded into the system. (Doesn't matter if products are visible or not) (Variable Value)

Products usage

Shows who the data owner is

Shows the brand name

Shows the collection name

Shows the product name

Shows the SKU name

Shows how many renders have been made with this product

Shows how many times the product has been added to the cart

Shows how many times the product page has been accessed via the link



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