2.1 Account Setup
Once your Wizart PIM account is created, you’ll receive a welcome email with login credentials and instructions to access your account. Upon logging in for the first time, you’ll notice that while your My Products collection is initially empty, you won’t be starting from scratch.
Wizart automatically shares a default collection of product articles from the Wizart space, available under the Shared Products tab. These shared products will populate your account within approximately 10 minutes after setup, providing you with an initial set of materials to explore and work with. This ensures that your catalog isn’t entirely empty as you begin managing your own products.
2.2 Initial Product Upload
When you’re ready to upload your own product data to PIM, it involves two main components:
Product Images: High-quality images of materials like wallpaper, tiles, or flooring.
Metadata: Product information such as brand, collection, SKU, and material type.
After uploading, your newly added products will be available in the My Products tab for you to manage, edit, or delete as needed.