Wordpress + Woocomerce Integration Plugin
The WordPress/Woocommerce plug-in can be downloaded via this link, Wizart AR Room Visualizer WordPress Plugin: New Standard of Selling Home Improvement Products
Insert correct api token into const CLIENT_TOKEN in file public/class-wizart-public.php.
Then install as normal WP plugin via Plugins -> Add New.
Plugin adds integration:
On the homepage as a floating button in the lower right corner
On the category page as a entry point after price (used hook woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item. Visual Hook Guide)
On the single product page as a entry point after add to cart (used hook woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_form. Visual Hook Guide)
Two-way shopping cart synchronization
On the category page and single product card, the existence of the article in the PIM is checked by the vendor code (SKU).
Note: Woocomerce in the cart displays the number of all rolls. But the shopping cart in the fitting room displays the number of products.
Example display cart with the same articles:
Woocomerce: https://prnt.sc/vl9g8p
Fitting Room: https://prnt.sc/vl9h0v
To change the display of buttons, need to use the deployment kit in the file public/class-wizart-public.php in the functions:
Homepage: wizart_script_add_parameters()
Category page: category_page()
Single product page: single_product_page()
To disable integration, you need to comment out the call of the integration button in the file includes/class-wizart.php:
Category page: $this->loader->add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', $plugin_public, 'category_page');
Single product page: $this->loader->add_action( 'woocommerce_product_meta_start', $plugin_public, 'single_product_page');
Homepage: $this->loader->add_filter( 'script_loader_tag', $plugin_public, 'wizart_script_add_parameters', 10 ,3);
After integration on the site, you may need to stylize the buttons. Use file
to style the integration buttons.
Example custom stylization for product single page: added data-class_name for integration button
Then add style for css file