Wizart PIM

Wizart PIM

Product Information Management system (PIM system) is a multifunctional database developed by Wizart to upload, manage, and securely share digital assets through a single source.

Main functionalities

  • Upload product information: images of patterns/designs and the corresponding metadata (information about the product samples).

  • Manage the displayed information on uploaded product items in a tree-like structure. Database navigation is available.

  • Search and edit the information on the uploaded products.

  • Preview the products applied to the corresponding surface before publishing it on the Visualizer.

  • Delete the uploaded product items and the corresponding metadata.

  • Generate sets of renders (images of the room scenes with the products applied) for enhanced PDPs and other marketing purposes.

  • Retailers/Distributors can send requests for Data Sharing to the Manufacturers.

  • Manufacturers can approve the requests for Data Sharing send by Retailers / Distributors.

  • Manufacturers can track their data usage by the Retailers/Distributors via personal Analytics Dashboards in Google Data Studio.

  • Retailers/Distributors can subscribe for the updates of the Manufacturers and automatically receive notifications just after new collections added.

  • Once approved by the Manufacturers, Retailers/Distributors can download the patterns/designs images and the corresponding metadata to be added to their website PDPs.