API authentication and authorization
We configured a documentation for our API methods. Please contact our Delivery Managers in order to recieve access to it. https://api.wizart.ai/
You can create a bug report and ask questions via our official github repository. GitHub - wizart-tech/api: Wizart Automation API
Step 1 Receive authentication information
Please Note: for all API calls you have to use the access_token. To generate the access_token, you need to request client_secret and client_id from our Delivery Managers.
Wizart is using OAuth2 authentication. You will receive all the required information for successful authentication after requesting a Free Trial on http://wizart.ai .
Step 2 Authenticate and receive an access token
In order to use our API calls, you have to use Bearer auth token. You have to do an authentication call to obtain the token.
Method: POST
URL: https://pim-client.wizart.tech/oauth/token
Headers: Content-Type: application/json, Accept: application/json
Body in json format:
"username": "your_email@mail.com",
"password": "your_password",
"client_secret": "your_client_secret_key",
"client_id": your_client_id,
"grant_type": "password"
Please Note: for all API calls you have to use the access_token. To generate the access_token, you need to request client_secret and client_id from our Delivery Managers.