Data import via API
You can use the API to import and update digital data in your Wizart Visualizer as an alternative to the manual upload (through the UI). In this case, every time you upload new product items/collections to your store, they will be automatically added to the Visualizer.
Links to check:
PIM User Manual (step-by-step instructions for uploading data manually)
Wizart Web Visualizer: integration (front-end part)
If you need some special API endpoint, please, check Another API methods.
Importing data via API
Please note, that for all API calls you have to use the access_token. From API authentication and authorizationarchived
Steps 1, 2, 3 describe the order of actions which you have to do to import products in PIM system.
First of all you have to select which product type you will import. After that you need obtain a data mapping by selected product type and finally send product data to the PIM
1. Get all product types
Method: GET
Headers: Accept: application/json, Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJ…
2. Get default mapping CSV
This endpoint you can use in order to obtain an example of csv file to fill your data.
Method: GET
Headers: Accept: text/csv, Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbG…
3. Upload new import
Method: POST
Authorization: Type: Bearer Token, Token: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV…
Headers: Accept: application/json,Content-Type: multipart/form-data
We used mapping_id (58) which we obtained from paragraph 3.4.
The result to be seen on the PIM admin panel upon successful completion