[OLD] Context and Locale

[OLD] Context and Locale


In order to enable context (e.g. add different prices or links depending on user location or any other context information), you will have to make corresponding changes in your CSV file (the information file you are uploading into your PIM account), as well as in your integration code.

How to add context information to integration code.

Adding context information to your CSV file when uploading it into your PIM account

Now, context is supported for the following fields:

  1. Application_type (product with this field specified like “wall, floor” can be applied both on walls and floor)

  2. Regular_price (you can specify different prices for different users depending on their location (city/country))

  3. Promotional_price (you can specify different promotional prices for different users depending on their location (city/country))

  4. Article_link (you can specify links to different websites basing on the context you need)

  5. Currency_by_context (you can specify different currencies for different users depending on their location (country))

When importing the CSV file with the context fields, please specify the context itself and other context fields in quotes by dividing meanings with commas:

"context0, context1, context2"

See the example below:

Let’s say you have 3 shops: Shop A, Shop B, Shop C: shop A is for the Russian market, shop B - for the British market, and shop C - for the American market.

  • if you have different websites depending on the country, you can indicate your Shops (links to your websites) in the field for Article_context.

Article_context:https://link_to_your_website_1/, https://link_to_your_website_2/

  • you can specify links to specific product pages at different websites based on the context you need in the field for Article_link.

The article link is NOT a required field (you do not have to fill it in if you do not want to). However, we do recommend adding it, as If you add the links to the product pages on your website, the Information button appears next to each article in the catalog (see the screenshot attached), the user can click on the information button and go from the visualizer to the product page, check more details and complete the purchase from your website. 

In order to enable the information button, you need to add a link to the product page on your website. If the field in your CSV is empty, the button is not displayed.

Article_link: "http://link_on_product_on_your_site-A/, http://link_on_product_on_your_site-B/"

  • you can specify different prices/promotional prices for different users depending on their location (city/country) in the corresponding fields for Regular_price, Promotional_price.

Regular_price: “300, 400”

  • you can specify different currencies for different users depending on their location (country) in the field for Currency_by_context.

Currency_by_context: “EUR, RUB”

  • you can add country as a context too. In this case, your CSV file will be populated accordingly. See the example below.

You have wallpapers and 2 websites. For example, 1 website for Russia and 2 websites for the UK, you have the following URLs:



The functionality enabling you to add the context fields to the already uploaded products in your PIM account is currently being developed. Once it is released, we will update you in our release notes.

In case you have any questions, please contact support@wizart.ai.


We add the language name to the file name as carpet_en.csv or carpet_en-US.csv. If there is no language specified, the client's default language is taken by default.

For example:

These CSV files need to be uploaded to your PIM account, therefore a CSV file with the suffix _en is English localization, _de is German.