Product Information Management system (PIM system) is a multifunctional database. It was developed by Wizart to manage digital data used in the Home Visualizer, and one of its additional functionalities is a cost-free Data Sharing service: retailers and distributors can request digital data from the manufacturers registered on the Wizart PIM system and use this data in their Visualizer. At the same time, manufacturers retain full intellectual property rights, and their data is kept safe and secure:

  • Only manufacturers have the right to provide access to their data.

  • Retailers can use the shared data for visualization only and update some allowed fields. They cannot save, copy, or delete any image from the manufacturer’s account.

Your PIM account allows you to see all the manufacturers we are currently working with and their products available for sharing (entire brands, some collections). You can check their brands and collections and send a request to the manufacturers so that you don’t have to upload this data by yourself. The manufacturer will receive your request, process it, and will be able to grant you access to their collections/brand data.

How do I send a request for data sharing?

Step 1

Log in to your PIM account using the credentials provided in your welcoming email.

Step 2

Go to the ‘Shared products’ tab on the right side menu, and check the list of the manufacturers and their brands available for sharing.

Step 3

Find the brand you are interested in. Click on the brand name to check the collections inside.

Step 4

To request the entire brand, please tick the box next to the brand name. In order to request specific collections within this brand, please tick the box next to the collection name, and send your request.

Step 5

Well done! The request was sent! You will receive an email notification, once the manufacturer processes it. In case your request is approved, the shared collection will appear on your shared list. Please do not forget to make the shared collection visible in your Wizart Home Visualizer by ticking the box ‘Show in app’ to the right of the collection.

Step 5

You can cancel the request sent at any time. To do this, tick the box next to the brand/collection and click on the ‘Cancel’ button.

Your PIM account allows you to manage requests for data sharing send by retailers/distributors.

How do I process the requests for data sharing?

Step 1

Log in to your PIM account using the credentials provided in your welcoming email.

Step 2

Go to the ‘Share products’ tab on the right side menu, and check the list of active requests.

Step 3

Click on the company name to check the request details.

Step 4

To allow access to the entire brand, please tick the box next to the brand name. If you decide to allow access only to the specific collections, please click on the brand name and pick the collection. To enable data sharing, please click on the ‘Share’ button in the top right corner of the page.

Step 5

Well done! The requestors will receive an email notification that you processed their request. Please, go back to the ‘Active requests' to check other requests.