
Wizart.AI provides next-level digital solutions the interior finishing materials industry by eliminating product visualization problems and imagination gaps of buyers. With our app on Zapier, you can automate the update of product information in the Wizart PIM system (like pricing, availability/visibility based on inventory and so on) using a variety of triggers and actions.

For example, you may use Zapier's Google Sheets trigger "New or Updated Spreadsheet Row" to automate the update of product information in the Wizart PIM system. When a new or updated row is detected in a Google Sheet, the Zap can map the relevant data fields to the corresponding fields in the Wizart PIM system and update the product information accordingly.


The Wizart.AI app on Zapier has two Actions available: "Update Product" and "Update Product (Shared)."Update Product lets you update your own products while "Update Product (Shared)" lets you update information for products shared with your PIM inventory from other brands or collections.
These actions allow you to map fields from any data source supported by Zapier from previous Zap steps, and use them to update product in your PIM account. Select the appropriate action based on your requirements.


When using Wizart PIM integration with Zapier, it's important to note that for each supported product type in PIM, we have a specific list of fields that can be used in the Zap action. This ensures that the Zap works correctly and updates only the relevant fields in the PIM system. You can find a comprehensive list of the supported product types and their corresponding fields in our documentation:

As a data owner, you have the ability to use the "Update product" action to edit more fields of any product type. However, when updating shared products owned by another brand, less fields are available. This is because shared products cannot be extensively edited, and the number of fields available for updating them is limited.

The mandatory fields for any action in our app are:

They are required for product update process to find existing sku by brand and collection in PIM, taking into a count that the product can be shared e.g. with retailer’s account and can be included in multiple collections.

When the action is triggered, it maps the fields from the trigger to the corresponding fields in the PIM system and updates the product information. In other words, the app will use the provided data to compose a request to the Wizart PIM API endpoint. If custom_sku_id does not match any existing product in the PIM system, the update will fail.

How can I obtain all of these fields?
By utilizing the PIM Admin Console, you have the option to export all editable product fields from your PIM Brands as a CSV file. Alternatively, you can use your own data source, but make sure it has the matching columns.

Steps to export products fields in PIM

  1. Log in with your existing PIM account or create a new one;

  2. Go to the products page, select a brand you need or click on a particular brand to open its collections page, then press “Export CSV“ button.


To use the Wizart app, you'll need to provide your Wizart PIM username and password. This information will be used to authenticate your access to the Wizart PIM’s API.

Creating a Zap

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to start with the Wizart app using Google Sheets as an example:

  1. Click the "Make a Zap" button in the top right corner of the Zapier dashboard.

  2. Choose a Trigger: Once you have installed the Wizart App, you can choose a Trigger to initiate an action in your Wizart PIM account. For example, you might choose "New or Updated Spreadsheet Row" from Google Sheets as a Trigger, so that whenever a new or updated row is detected in a Sheet, the Zap can update the relevant data fields in the Wizart PIM system.

  3. Choose the "" app as the action for your Zap.

  4. Set up an Action: After selecting a Trigger, you need to choose an Action i.e. Wizart app. The Wizart App currently has two Actions available: "Update Product" and "Update Product (Shared)." Update Product lets you update your own products while "Update Product (Shared)" lets you update information for products shared with your PIM inventory from other brands or collections. Select the appropriate action based on your requirements.

  5. Authenticate your Wizart PIM account: To authenticate your Wizart PIM account, you need to enter your username and password for your Wizart account. This information will be used to authenticate your access to the Wizart PIM API.

  6. Map Fields: Once you have authenticated your account, you can map the fields from your Trigger (e.g., the worksheet columns) to the corresponding fields in the Wizart PIM system.
    The required fields are brand_name, collection_name, unique_sku_id, and custom_sku_id.

  7. Test the Zap to ensure that the product information is being updated correctly in the PIM system.

  8. Turn on your Zap to start automatically updating product information.

We have a demo video available that walks you through the process of setting up a Zap: .

Also we have a separate demo video that showcases the real-time updates of product visibility in Wizart PIM through the Zap integration:

Example Zaps

Here are a few examples of Zaps you can create with the Wizart.AI app:

Currently, the App has been tried and tested with both Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel as trigger apps.


  1. What is the rate limit for the App for Zapier?
    If you have a large number of items (100+) that trigger a Zap at once, Zapier holds them for you and sends you an email requesting your confirmation.. This limit applies to all integrations on the platform and is subject to change at any time. If you exceed this limit, you may receive a 429 error, "Too Many Requests". However, please refer to for more information.

  2. Why did I receive a 429 error, "Too Many Requests?"
    This error may also occur when you have exceeded the rate limit of 100 actions per minute for the App for Zapier, which is our own flood protection mechanism for PIM system. To resolve this issue, consider reducing the number of updates you are sending at once or spread your updates over a longer period of time.

  3. Can I update more than 100 products at once?
    To ensure stability and reliability of the PIM system, we recommend updating less than 100 products in one minute.

  4. What should I do if my Zap is being held?
    If your Zap is being held, it is likely due to the rate limits on Zapier. To resolve this issue, try updating less than 100 rows at once and refer to for more information.

  5. What happens if I try to update a product that doesn't exist in the PIM system?
    If you try to update a product that doesn't exist in the PIM system, the update will fail. Make sure that the unique SKU ID you are using corresponds to an existing product in the PIM system before trying to update it. Additionally, it's important to note that we will consider the possibility of adding new products through Zap in the future.


Error Code



Given product’s custom_sku_id not found in PIM account.


  1. Given brand_name, collection_name do not match any existing brand/collection in PIM account.

  2. Value mismatch for at least one modified field.

If you encounter any issue while using the App for Zapier, and it’s not listed in FAQ - please reach out to the support team for assistance.


The Wizart.AI app on Zapier provides a simple and efficient way to automate the update of product information in the Wizart PIM system. With a variety of triggers and actions in Zapier, you can easily connect your existing data sources to the Wizart PIM system and keep your product information up-to-date.