

Main functionality

  • Upload product information: patterns/designs of product samples and the corresponding metadata (information about the product samples).

  • Make the uploaded product samples visible / not visible in the Home Visualizer.

  • Manage the displayed information about the uploaded product samples in the Home Visualizer.

  • View information on uploaded product samples presented in a tree-like structure. Database navigation is available.

  • Search and edit the information on the uploaded products.

  • Preview the results of product sample visualization (the chosen product item is applied on the corresponding surface).

  • Delete the uploaded product samples and the corresponding metadata.

  • Retailers/Distributors can send requests for Data Sharing to the Manufacturers

  • Manufacturers can approve the requests for Data Sharing send by Retailers / Distributors.

  • Create import templates. The customer can create several templates for importing files with various information structures.



Prior to the data upload, please check our File Upload Requirements - requirements for the images and the CSV files, Data Mapping, as well as the templates to download and examples to follow.



titleWhat is Data Mapping?

Data mapping – is a structure (the fields + the sequence of the fields) of your CSV file with the information about the product samples you are uploading to your PIM account. Thus, it is important to ensure that the information you provide in the CSV file corresponds to the images you are uploading.

1. Uploading data using Default Data Mapping



You can download the default CSV template on the same page, fill in the necessary fields, and upload it (for more information, please check our File Upload Requirements).


Step 5

Attach the ZIP file with the images of the product samples.


Go to ‘My Products’ tab to see the uploaded patterns/designs. Please do not forget to make the images visible in your Wizart Home Visualizer by ticking the box ‘Show in app’ on the right of the data uploaded.


2. Uploading data using own Data Mapping

Step 1

Create a ZIP file with the images of the product samples, the new structure for the CSV file (data mapping), and a CSV file with the corresponding information about these product samples.

titleCheck our step-by-step instructions

Please note

If you choose to create your own data mapping, your CSV file must still include 6 mandatory fields (check our File Upload Requirements for more details).

Step 2

Log in to your PIM account using the credentials provided in your welcoming email.

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Step 3

Go to the ‘Data Mapping’ Tab to create your own Data Mapping.

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Please note

If you have several CSV files with the same data mapping structure, you can import them using only the first created Data Mapping.

Example: you have 3 CSV files [File1.csv, File2.csv, File3.csv] with absolutely the same data mapping fields.

You have created Data Mapping [Wallpapers1] to upload File1.csv and later you can use the same Data Mapping [Wallpapers1] to upload File2.csv and File3.csv.

Step 4

Click on ‘+Create data mapping’ button in the top right corner of the page.

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Steps 5 - 7

Enter the template name for your new data mapping, attach a corresponding CSV file with the new data mapping structure, and click on ‘+Create’ button.

Image RemovedAfter clicking on‘+Create’ button, the two columns with the fields will appear on the page. The left column consists of the field names from our PIM system. The right column consists of the field names from your new CSV file with the created data mapping structure.Image RemovedStep 8

Fill in the fields from the right column with the names from the drop-down list matching the names of the fields from the left column. This step will ensure that our PIM system recognizes and connects the data, thus making possible a correct visualization of each product item.

Make sure you connect all the field names from your CSV data mapping file with the field names from our PIM system in the left column.


The first 6 fields marked with * are mandatory. If you are not sure about some field names, please check our File upload requirements.

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Step 9

Scroll down the page and click on the ‘+Create’ button in the right down corner of the page.

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Step 10

You will receive the notification that the Data mapping was successfully created. In case of any problems, the system will notify you.

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Step 11

Go to the ‘Import’ Tab.

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Step 12

Select the Data mapping you have just created from the drop-down list.

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Step 13

Attach the ZIP file with the images of the product samples.

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Step 14

Attach the CSV file with the corresponding information about the product samples in the ZIP file.

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Step 15

Click on the ‘Import’ button and wait until the data is uploaded. You will receive the notification that the data was successfully added with the indication of the number of images uploaded. In case of any issues, you will receive the corresponding notification about the problems encountered.

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Step 16

Go to ‘My Products’ tab to see the uploaded patterns/designs. Please do not forget to make the images visible in your Wizart Home Visualizer by ticking the box ‘Show in app’ to the right of the data uploaded.

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titleCheck our Video on uploading data into Wizart PIM account
Recording #1.mp4


titleAdd new articles to any brand/collection.

Step 1

Create a ZIP archive with the images and a corresponding CSV file with the information about the images. Please make sure that the name of the brand/collection is the same as it was in the previously uploaded files.

Step 2

Upload the created files using the default Data Mapping created for uploading the other files with the data from this brand/collection.

titleRequesting/sharing data

Please check our step-by-step instructions on how to send and process data sharing requests.
