Code Block |
<script type="application/javascript" src="https://d35so7k19vd0fx.cloudfront.net/production/integration/floating-button.min.js"></script> <script> document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { const floatingButton = new window.WFloatingButton({ token: "your token for wizart", element: document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] }); floatingButton.render({className: 'wizart-homepage'}); $($('.class').find('a[href$="#visualizer"]')).click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $('.wizart-homepage').trigger('click'); }); }); </script> <style> .wizart-homepage {display: none!important;} </style> |
Info |
.class - this is a css class of your the custom button. For example in the screenshot you want to set a custom button to , if you’d like to place the custom button in the menu, so you you’ll need to find a parent <div> for your button.the button, like in the screenshot below: |
Note |
In another case, you can use any attribute: id, class, or another attribute for you the button parent for button. If you want you’d like to use the button id of your button, please use #id instead of .class. |
How it works? Click on the custom menu button and make a trigger to a real Wizart button.