// todo get api token from Wizart.
const api_token = 'CLIENT_SPECIFIC_API_TOKEN';
const server_address = 'https://pim-client.wizart.tech';
// bba (back button action) param is used to add back button to wizart component
const fittingRoomEndpoint = server_address
+ '/fitting-room'
+ '?api_token=' + api_token
+ '&bba=true'
function wuuid() {
function s4() {
return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000)
return `${s4() + s4()}-${s4()}-${s4()}-${s4()}-${s4()}${s4()}${s4()}`;
function openFittingRoom (searchQuery) {
const componentEndpoint = searchQuery ? fittingRoomEndpoint + searchQuery : fittingRoomEndpoint;
let fittingRoomObject = document.getElementById('wizart-fitting-room-object');
const fittingRoomObjectContainer = fittingRoomObject.parentElement;
fittingRoomObject.setAttribute('src', componentEndpoint);
// object clonning is necessary as some browsers does not render "object" twice after changing data attribute
const clonnedFittingRoomObject = fittingRoomObject.cloneNode(true);
// should be added to avoid duplicating scrollbars
document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].style.overflow = 'hidden';
let correntID = localStorage.getItem("w_uuid");
if (!correntID) {
correntID = wuuid();
localStorage.setItem("w_uuid", correntID);
const queryParams = new URLSearchParams({
v: 1,
ds: "web",
t: "event",
tid: "UA-121898981-9",
ec: "spi_entry_button",
ea: "pressed",
uid: correntID,
dr: window?.location?.origin || "",
z: Date.now(),
cd1: true,
function openSpecificFittingRoom (vendorCode) {
// query can be updated to search for necessary article
const articleSearchQuery = '&article_query='
+ '{\"vendor_code\": \"'
+ vendorCode
+ '\"}'
// bba event - fired when back button is clicked at wizart component
window.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
if (~event.origin.indexOf(server_address)) {
// exactly 'close_overlay' as it's sent from wizart component
if (event.data === 'close_overlay') {
// return overflow of target page to initial state
document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].style.overflow = 'auto';
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
const buttons = document.querySelectorAll("#wizart-fitting-room-object");
let correntID = localStorage.getItem("w_uuid");
if (!correntID) {
correntID = wuuid();
localStorage.setItem("w_uuid", correntID);
const queryParams = new URLSearchParams({
v: 1,
ds: "web",
t: "event",
tid: "UA-121898981-9",
ec: "spi_entry_button",
ea: "shown",
uid: correntID,
dr: window?.location?.origin || "",
z: Date.now(),
cd2: buttons.length > 1,
}); |