

Main functionality

  • Upload product information: patterns/designs of product samples and the corresponding metadata (information about the product samples).

  • Make the uploaded product samples visible / not visible in the Home Visualizer.

  • Manage the displayed information about the uploaded product samples in the Home Visualizer.

  • View information on uploaded product samples presented in a tree-like structure. Database navigation is available.

  • Search and edit the information on the uploaded products.

  • Preview the results of product sample visualization (the chosen product item is applied on the corresponding surface).

  • Delete the uploaded product samples and the corresponding metadata.

  • Retailers/Distributors can send requests for Data Sharing to the Manufacturers

  • Manufacturers can approve the requests for Data Sharing send by Retailers / Distributors.

  • Create import templates. The customer can create several templates for importing files with various information structures.


titleAdd new articles to any brand/collection.

Step 1

Create a ZIP archive with the images and a corresponding CSV file with the information about the images. Please make sure that the name of the brand/collection is the same as it was in the previously uploaded files.

Step 2

Upload the created files using the Data Mapping created for uploading the other files with the data from this brand/collection.

titleRequesting/sharing data

Please check our step-by-step instructions on how to send and process data sharing requests.